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Current Affairs
Luc C. Jean

Peace in the Middle East?

  Peace in the Middle East? Exploring the Origins of Jewish-Arab Conflict. Presented by Luc C. Jean on June 30th, 2024.

Unity of Science, Spirituality and Religion
James Edgerly

Science Within the Consciousness of God

HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership is pleased to co-host a special program with the Higher Purpose Forum (HPF), ā€œScience Within the Consciousness of Godā€ to be held on May 21 at 7 PM ET. Mr. James

Unity of Science, Spirituality and Religion
James Edgerly

Rev. Moonā€™s Early Writings on Science

HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership is pleased to co-host a special program with the Higher Purpose Forum (HPF). Mr. James Edgerly, Director of Higher Purpose Forum will be the host of this event. Dr. Andrew Wilson,

Unity of Science, Spirituality and Religion
James Edgerly

Evolutionary Creationism: A New Persective on Purpose & Human Origins

Mr. James Edgerly, Director of Higher Purpose Forum will be the host of this event. Dr. Andrew Wilson, HJI Professor of Scriptural Studies, will explain the ā€œanthropic principleā€ in the creation of the universe and the succession of life forms

Race and Providence in America
James Edgerly

God’s Dream: Building a Racially Integrated Culture in America

HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership is pleased to co-host a special program with the Higher Purpose Forum (HPF) God’s Dream: Building a Racially-Integratd Culture in America to be held on April 2 at 7 PM ET.

Current Affairs
James Edgerly

Implications of God as “Heavenly Parent”

HJI was pleased to co-host a special program with the Higher Purpose Forum (HPF) on Saturday, March 2 at 5 PM ET. We discussed a topic of central religious importance: understanding the feminine/maternal aspect of God. HJI Co-founder Hak Ja

Justice and Economic Democracy
James Edgerly

The Quest for Justice

HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership was pleased to co-host a special program with the Higher Purpose Forum (HPF) on Tuesday, February 13 at 7PM ET. “Justiceā€ is a term not always well understood or agreed upon.

Current Affairs
James Edgerly

Perspectives on the Crisis in Gaza

HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership is pleased to co-host a panel discussion with the Higher Purpose Forum (HPF) “Perspectives on the Crisis in Gaza”. Our three panelists will present principled perspectives on the recent tragic events

Justice and Economic Democracy
James Edgerly

Economic Democracy Forum

On November 7, 2023, HJI co-hosted a forum with Higher Purpose Forum and the Center for Economic and Social Justice on “Economic Democracy”.

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