Science Within the Consciousness of God

HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership is pleased to co-host a special program with the Higher Purpose Forum (HPF), “Science Within the Consciousness of God” to be held on May 21 at 7 PM ET.

Mr. James Edgerly, Director of Higher Purpose Forum will be the host of this event.

Ms. Alison Wakelin, Widener University Assistant Teaching Professor will be the main presenter. She will speak on the various paths taken by scientists to find a holistic perspective to complement the reductionist model, and if Unification principles offer a path toward incorporating a wider model of reality.

Dr. Andrew Wilson, HJI Professor of Scriptural Studies will be the respondent.

Following challenges to Newton’s mechanistic model of the universe, the early twentieth century offered the possibility of a new perspective via Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. However, physics turned to an instrumental approach rather than understanding the deeper implications of the new theories. The primary concern became the prediction of the outcome of experiments rather than incorporating purpose, meaning and consciousness.

Rev. Moon’s Early Writings on Science

HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership is pleased to co-host a special program with the Higher Purpose Forum (HPF).

Mr. James Edgerly, Director of Higher Purpose Forum will be the host of this event.

Dr. Andrew Wilson, HJI Professor of Scriptural Studies, will cover specific topics of the Principle’s treatment of scientific topics as conveyed in the Wolli Wonbon. These will include: elemental forces of gravity and electromagnetism, planetary motion, incandescent color, and applications to human psychology.

William Lay, JD, Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice and Human Secuirty, HJI will be the respondent.

Rev. Moon’s (as yet unpublished) first manuscript of Divine Principle (titled Wolli Wonbon), which he wrote in 1951-52, devotes more than 100 pages to science. Topics range from astronomy to evolution, from electro-magnetism to animal behavior to psychology.

In the background of Wolli Wonbon is Rev. Moon’s own life experience, first as a student of electrical engineering at a school connected to Waseda University in Japan, and then as a prisoner in the Heungnam Prison Camp in North Korea where he was subjected to many hours of indoctrination in Marxist dialectical materialism. At the start of his ministry, Rev. Moon saw a need to put forward “the Principle”, as both a rigorous counterproposal to dialectical ideologies and a worldview that could be the basis for working towards a future of peace and harmony.

Evolutionary Creationism: A New Persective on Purpose & Human Origins

Mr. James Edgerly, Director of Higher Purpose Forum will be the host of this event.

Dr. Andrew Wilson, HJI Professor of Scriptural Studies, will explain the “anthropic principle” in the creation of the universe and the succession of life forms described by evolutionary biology, understood as stages of growth. In both astronomy and biology, these stages can be understood as unfolding processes towards the realization of the purpose of creation, which is human beings, the children of God.

Alison Wakelin, Assistant Teaching Professor, Widener University will be the respondent.

Join the exploration into understanding human origins as a basis advancing the unity of science, spirituality and religion.